New Guideline on Benzodiazepine Tapering
This guideline was developed to help clinicians determine when the risks of continued BZD prescribing outweigh the benefits for a given patient and how to safely taper the medication when indicated. Existing guidelines generally recommend limiting duration of BZD use to 2-4 weeks (except for limited conditions such as severe treatment-resistant generalized anxiety disorder, complex seizure disorders, spasticity, and sleep disorders involving abnormal movements). However, long-term BZD prescribing remains prevalent.Full story
Recent and Past Issues
ASAM Weekly for October 24, 2023
Stuff happens as we move substance use along the spectrum between criminalization and commercialization.Full story -
The ASAM Weekly for October 17, 2023
There’s something remarkable about identifying a common brain network underlying substance use disorders (Nature Mental Health). This commonality was not a given -- the results could have gone the other way -- but its existence is reassuring for how it unifies the disorders of addiction.Full story -
ASAM Weekly for October 10, 2023
A study from New York has found that increasing temperatures are associated with increased hospital visits related to alcohol and substance use (Communications Medicine)...Full story -
ASAM Weekly for October 3, 2023
Tucked within social determinants of health are commercial determinants which have a particular interest in “addictiveness.” This is clearly evident in the lead article demonstrating how tobacco companies shifted the US food industry towards hyperpalatability beginning in the 1980s (Addiction).Full story -
ASAM Weekly for September 26th, 2023
Both the RAND Corporation and SAMHSA recently released reports providing broad perspectives on addiction in America. At over 600 pages, “America’s Opioid Ecosystem” (RAND) is a comprehensive review of the dynamic systems and issues underlying not only America’s opioid crisis but the entire addiction ecosystem.Full story -
ASAM Weekly for September 19th, 2023
This week we showcase publications from leading journals across the scientific fields. In a way, this mirrors the diversity of specialists in clinical settings and beyond who collaborate to treat addiction.Full story -
ASAM Weekly for September 12th, 2023
Prevalence of Cannabis Use Disorder and Reasons for Use Among Adults.Full story -
ASAM Weekly for September 5th, 2023
Examining sociodemographic correlates of opioid use, misuse, and use disorders in the All of Us Research ProgramFull story -
ASAM Weekly for August 29th, 2023
Marijuana and hallucinogen use, binge drinking reached historic highs among adults 35 to 50Full story -
ASAM Weekly for August 22nd, 2023
Perceptions of Safety of Daily Cannabis vs Tobacco Smoking and Secondhand Smoke Exposure, 2017-2021Full story
This Week in Addiction Medicine Podcast
A weekly audio summary and podcast of the ASAM Weekly
The ASAM Weekly
Editors & Staff
Editor-in-Chief: Nicholas Athanasiou, MD, MBA, DFASAM
Emeritus Editor: William Haning, MD, DFAPA, DFASAM
Publications Chair: Nicholas Athanasiou, MD, MBA, DFASAM
Co-Editors: Brandon
Aden, MD, Jack Woodside, MD, John A. Fromson, MD
Please direct customer service inquiries and comments to: ASAMWeekly@ASAM.org
The ASAM Weekly
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